Gunleaders Blog

Archive for December 13th, 2010

Harry Houdini, meet Justice Breyer

by on Dec.13, 2010, under Uncategorized

Harry Houdini spent a good portion of his career exposing charlatans who said they could communicate with the dead.  Were he alive today he would have had a field day with Supreme Court Justice Breyer.  On Fox News Sunday (Dec. 12), Breyer made the astounding claim that “….Madison included the Second Amendment to appease the states”.

Breyer continued that, ‘That being the case, and particularly since the Founding Fathers did not foresee how modern day would change individual behavior, government bodies can (emphasis added) impose regulations on guns.’  “Change individual behavior”?  Really?  So, in more than 200 years human behavior has changed?  I would ask the Justice exactly how it has changed.  Is there no more good and evil in the world or would the Justice have us believe there is only evil, more evil, more good, what, exactly?  His argument is specious at best and an affront to all at worst.

These profound (and I use the word with a great deal of sarcasm) words from a learned scholar who sits on the highest court in our land.  I cannot imagine what the Justice would do if left to his own devices.

The full interview can be found here:

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